本地樂隊何超與海膽仔@josie_ho_chiu & the Uni Boys自2014年推出咗第一張專輯《搖滾妹子》,一直以率性不羈、大膽型格,、叛逆重金屬搖滾嘅風格,為各位Rock友帶嚟超級衝擊嘅音樂!唔知由《80’s再玩》,玩到哈雷戴維森120嘅舞台,會唔會都聽到《何飄移》、《搏擊會》、《水魚》嘅震撼現場演出呢?
本地搖滾狂歡 Day 2️⃣
地點:安盛 x 竹翠公園
🎙票價:HK$988 / $688
(全場企位, 港幣、人民幣同價)
💡撲飛:Link in Bio
Josie Ho’s rocking journey from the 80’s to Harley-Davidson 120!
Josie Ho & the Uni Boys have been delivering earth-shaking music with their audacious, rebellious heavy metal rock style ever since their first album “Rock Girl” in 2014! Wondering if we will be treated to electrifying live performances of their rock from the 80’s to the Harley-Davidson 120 stage? Get your ticket now and see you in December!
Day 2: Local Rock Festival
Date: December 2, 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 3:00 PM to 10:30 PM
Location: AXA x Wonderland
Ticket Price: HK$988 / $688 (All standing, same prices in HKD & RMB)
💡Get Your Ticket:Link in Bio