June 28, 2019 – Hong Kong: “一百年前香港,是個英國殖民地 ,這小島的街名很神秘,這些路名是舊時的功能名為歷史保育,有意義,現以被拆掉,疼惜的心,哀求關注朋友,多些守候
An island who was rule by the British Empire 99 years ago An island full of Chinese and authentic breeds Sometimes, I wonder why they name the streets this way. “ Josie Ho, lead vocal of Josie and the Uni Boys, Multiple Award Winning Actress, Filmmaker. Photographed in Jardine’s Lookout. Photograph by @toddrdarling “This is a collaborative project combining text and portraiture to tell peoples’ stories about Hong Kong. 🇭🇰 “ – Todd R. Darling To participate or view more of this project visit @toddrdarling